It actually is good to be back in Manchester. Seeing family and friends, catching up with people and being able to share whats happened in the last few weeks has been great fun
Some things though, do make you scratch your head a little bit in bewilderment!
I've been back at work 3 days. The credit crunch is hogging all the headlines. Ive been working in London today. I shared my flight back with a girl who works for my company and has just been made redundant. She has worked for the company for over 8 years , won't get much in terms of a payoff and to be honest, was in a bit of a state this evening. Where do i want to put my own security, in a multinational corporation or something with much more permanence,. Yes im talking about the creator of heaven and earth, God himself. I know where my loyalties lie!!! I've also been watching with interest the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the struggles of AIG and Merill Lynch amongst countless others this week. Listening to the doom and gloom merchants in the media, the world as we know it is about to end . Once again, Im grateful for being able to put my faith in a God who does not change and remains a constant in my life throughout everything!
Tonight, i went out to catch up with a good friend. We visited a fairly well known bar in South Manchester to have a chat and watch some footy. We must have been there 30 minutes when the guy next to us interrupted to ask why we were talking so much and would we shut up so he could watch the football in peace. Not surprisingly, this moron was sitting by himself. I was quite proud of myself for ignoring this idiot, walking off and finding somewhere else to sit. I was tempted to respond, but he was probably just looking to light up his pathetic little life with a fight. Im sure you can find people like that anywhere in the world, but its a bit depressing...i've only been back in the UK 3 days and have to put up with that rubbish. I'll pray for that guy anyway!!!
The Dignity of Hawthorns
3 years ago