Im never sure how much i should reveal through this blog, as its not just my close friends who will see it. Anyway, i think there is some stuff that i should say, especially my interest in going overseas and my future work with Medair
A quote from Steve Chalk inspired me to share a bit more. He said 'My aim is not to impress people with what i do - but to train and inspire them to do better themselves'.
I first became awar of Medair when i was living in London back in the day. There was a girl from my church who went to work in Afghanistan as a nurse. I remember hearing her speak and thinking wow, im interested in that! My fascination with the organisation and humanitarian aid work in particular has never faded, infact i would say its grown stronger and stronger.
Hopefully since then i've matured in my faith. I am tuly convinced that Jesus holds the key it is only him who is able to transform people, communites and indeed entire nations. I have all the practical skills to build a successful career in this line of work, but without Jesus at the heart of it whats the point, wheres it all leading!
The Dignity of Hawthorns
3 years ago