Thursday 13 May 2010


Last week i wrote about the visit of Sir John Holmes to Dungu and why exactly the UN mission should not withdraw from Congo. The FARDC, the Congolese military, are another reason why the UN mission needs to reamin to stabilise the country.

The FARDC (Les Forces Armees de la Republique du Congo), unfortunately are not a viable force that will provide this country with the stability and security it needs. Where to begin in describing the problems of the FARDC? As part of the agreement to re-integrate many militia into daily life, they were given positions within the FARDC. This policy was initially supported by the UN, but many of these militia men have continued their old habits. In North and South Kivu, FARDC soldiers have themselves been responsible for massacres and atrocities, rape is widespread, infact the levels of sexual violence in Eastern Congo are just appaling.

Due to the severe levels of abuse committed by FARDC forces in the Kivu`s region, it was decided that one batallion from this region would be sent to Dungu in December 2009. The UN also announced it would stop supporting any FARDC elements continuing to commit abuses. The violence and aggression continues against the population though. Just 2 weeks ago I saw a drunken soldier chasing a civilian and threatening him with his gun, This was in the middle of the afternoon.

As you might expect in the DRC, corruption is another serious problem for the FARDC. The military here is top heavy with generals, and the forces here in Dungu have not been paid for 4 months. They demonstrated in Dungu this week and have threatened to pillage the town. How can you expect a force who have not been paid for 4 months to fight the LRA? They are underequipped, not paid and there are huge problems with morale. Soldiers are often forced to turn to crime to make a livng.

The FARDC, in its current state, is not ready and able to manage and co-ordinate security in the DR Congo.

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