Thursday 14 January 2010

Dungu Update 2

I have returned to Dungu after spending Christmas with the Medair team in Bunia. Christmas was a pretty quiet affair this year, I spent New Years Eve at the MONUC (UN) house with some Medair teammates, UN peacekeepers from Morocco and the Guatemalan special forces. Different definately!

The local population in Dungu were fearing the worst over Christmas. In Dec 2008, the LRA launched a series of horrific attacks in the town. LRA activity had intensified at the end of this last year, creating a lot of concern in and around Dungu.

Security remained calm over the festivities, but has continued to intensify since my return in early January. Why? Well certainly the LRA seem to have reorganised in Congo. The Congolese military presence has been reduced dramatically, as the government tries to fight a new rebellion in the Equateur Province. There are also elections in South Sudan in April, followed by more elections in Congo and Uganda in 2011. All mitigating factors maybe, and the LRA seem to be making the most of their opportunity, with attacks happening all over NE Congo.

Anzway, im doing fine. Medair and all the NGOs are working as much as possible to help as many people as possible affected by this ongoing crisis. Please pray for the work of Medair and those affected in the DR Congo.

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