Friday 25 December 2009

Living Dangerously for God

Living dangerously for God. What does this mean and why do i want to talk about it.

I have been reading Joshua recently. Near the end of his life, Joshua challenged the Israelites to make a life changing decision: Choose for youselves this day whom you will serve, whether the Gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the Gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24,15). The people responded with `Far be it from us to forsake the Lord to serve other Gods (Joshua 24, 16). They were taken aback, perhaps even offended by Joshuas challenge.

Then Joshua emphatically stated `You are not able to serve the Lord, He is a Holy God, a jealous God (Joshua 24,19). Can you imagine the indignation you would have felt if you had not been in the crowd that day. I am not able. Who does he think he is?

Israel missed the point. Their faith was based on what God had done for them not who he was. Joshua meant that God is so holy that we cannot to begin to fathom the depth of his character. he is so jealous that he will not accept anything less than total commitment. A token resolution to follow God is not transformational. Joshua was not asking for lip service, but for a life of absoloute and constant surrender to God.

How does this work practically.Is God really first in your life? I feel like God has brought me to a place where I am not completely certain of where he wants me to be in the future, but still that i am completely walking in his will. I have an amazing peace about the direction my life is taking, I trust the Lord completely and I am very content to live out a dangerous faith. There is nothing to fear.


Geoff Maritz said...

My walk with God has recently taken on a new dimension and I have found that serving God is not as easy as one would imagine. He demands total obedience and anything less just leaves me frustrated and feeling hopeless. I know just what Joshua meant when he said "He is a holy God and I cannot Serve him." I do try though and maybe oneday I will be able to do something of value. God bless you. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

interesting blog
insightful comment by Geoff