Friday 29 August 2008


Those of you who go to my church will know the name Mbila. For those of you that don't, its a village out in the bush where we have been involved in doing various things. We've built a clinic there amongst other things. The village is also served by one of the worst roads i have seen in my life!

Well i've spent 4 days there this week, camping out again. Its a farily remote place, deeper into the bush than the places we visited last week its been incredibly hot as case you didn't know the dry season in Zambia peaks in October. It seems to be getting hotter by the week at the moment - we measured 29 degress in the shade this week

One of the things i've noticed about being in the bush is that most things just don't work very get a bit fed up with it after a while. I've seen a school where all the desks are broken and the teacher hasn't been paid for months, ive seen a coffee plantation that has been ruined through terrible management, government workers who haven't been paid by corrupt officials who bank the money for themsleves, local people planting the wrong type of crop in the wrong type of soil

and don't get me started on some of the churches in the rural areas. One of the pastors here runs 13 is that possible? you often end up with a situation where a local from the village gets left in charge of a church, usually the teaching is very poor and the church remains very week

maybe this helps to explain what we are doing out here? not just teaching the leaders, but discipling entire communities. Strengthening the church, helping people to change their mindset., that they are the ones who can transform their communities...they don't need outsiders to do it for them! Trust me these people would be utterly lost but for the work of these few hardy pastors we have met and the work that Dignity are trying to do as well

Get behund them because its really amazing only here for 6 weeks but the other guys from dignity are out here for 3 months. Its just the start....

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